Dr. Sundeep Mangla, M.D.

Education and Training:
Medical School: Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine – M.D. (1992)
Residency: Northeast Ohio Universities College of Medicine – Diagnostic Radiology (1997)
Fellowship: University of Southern California – Diagnostic Neuroradiolgy (1998)
Fellowship: Yale University College of Medicine-New Haven Hospital – Interventional Neuroradiology (1999)
Fellowship: University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics – Neurointerventional Radiology and Surgery (2000)
Attending Faculty Appointments:
Columbia and Cornell – New York Presbyterian (2000-2003) (Manhattan/NYC)
SUNY Downstate Health Science Center (2003-2019) (Brooklyn/NYC)
Lincoln Medical Center (2009-2019) (Bronx/NYC)
NYU Winthrop-Long Island Hospital (2013-current) (Long Island/NYC)
Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital (2017-current) (Long Island/NYC)