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Dr. Sundeep Mangla, M.D.

Provides Compassionate, Concierge, Patient-Centered Care for Adults and Children experiencing Brain Aneurysms, Vascular Malformations, Strokes, Carotid Disease, Brain Hemorrhages, and other Complex Neurovascular Conditions.  He Specializes in Neurointerventional Radiology and Surgery which are Minimally Invasive Treatments that minimize the Risks of Operations, Maximizes their Effectiveness, and Shortens Recovery Times.  He treats each Patient as an Individual and Personalizes and Customizes the Care he provide to each Person’s Unique Situation and Needs.  Dr. Mangla has Lead and Developed Neurointerventional Stroke Programs in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Long Island and is widely Recognized and Respected as a Leader in the Fields of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease.



“After Pioneering Neurointerventional Stroke Programs in NYC and Long Island for over 20 years, nothing is more gratifying and rewarding for us as Doctors than to see our patients recovering and thriving.  We are lucky and blessed to be able to make a Difference in people’s lives each day!!”  Dr. Sundeep Mangla, M.D.